
Hello, I'm Damyan Ognyanoff, and this is my place on the WEB. Live and work in Sofia, Bulgaria as a software engineer in a small bulgarian company.

Here you can find data about my hobby - HAM RADIO.

note that I'm working mostly /QRP on all bands mostly due to the limits of areal space at my present QTH, but really enjoy this way of practicing it.

Equipment: Yeasu FT-817(all-in-one beauty, 5W), FT-710, Sg-Lab transverters for 23cm and 13cm

6m/4m/2m/70cm:X200 for 2m/70cm local contacts, a 2m 5/8 vertical for mobile work, dipole with telescopic legs for upper HF bands(mainly on 6m and 4m, digtal modes).
For VHF/SHF contests I'm using 8jxx2 for 2m, short (1m) yagi for 70cm and 24el yagi for 23cm. For 13cm I'm using a 60cm dish with a small yagi for dish illumination.
QO-100: Sg-Lab 13cm transverter into a 3.5 turn Helix at 60cm offset dish, receiving side is with cheap Edision SL-2 PLL LNB, Adalm Pluto SDR and I'm using SDRConsole


I also enjoy taking pictures of the night sky (80mm refractor, RC-6 and Askar 200mm ACL, ASI 2600 + Antlia 3nm narrowband filters). please visit my www.flickr.com or www.photo-forum.net to look at some of these!